Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August Monthly SBB Tournament Report

As with the last one, the following narrative has been minimally edited.

Round 1: Snow Angel over Potion Master, Horseman, and Krampus. Start with Lonely prince. I lose the first 3 fights as I can’t find a 2-cost princess, but on 3.0 I get a free Brave Princess, and buy a Peep from the shop. I pick up a couple of Spell Weavers and my princess finishes, giving me Sting. On L4, I get a free Godmother, with a second in the shop, and my board of Sting, 2x Peep, Good Spellweaver, 2x Godmother carries me easily through level 4 and 5 (while I triple Spell Weaver for a Ring of Thunder and Peep for a Crystal Ball). At level 5 I grab a Lance, and have a golden poly slay into Echowood (which I never use), a Maskerade Ball give me a Good Boy to proc Lance, and I kiss Lance into a gold Good Boy on 5.2. Then I get a free Princess Pea at Level 6, and close out the game vs FireOak’s Dwarves and a Horde Dragon also on Good Boy - at one point using Herc in my slot 4 flex spot to get a Phoenix Feather.

Round 2:Snow Angel over Cursed King, Peter Pants, and Jack’s Giant. Start with Lonely Prince again, this time over 2x Cutpurse, so less of a choice than the previous game, where I passed on a Dragon and Crafty. Prince 2, roll, and fortunately lock a Cinderella to stabilize on 2.2 this time. I Mixawhiz my free Sleeping Princess, and take one look for a Kiss, but just find a pair. Cindy gives me Bounty Board, and I start building into Slay, maybe? That plan works out as I get Mermaids into Lance, and some Babbas. Brave Princess eventually gets me a Treasure Map, where I take World Tree (with a Court Wizard in hand and a free Baby Bear on board) over Sword and Table. I get a free Bearstein on 6.0, but some unfortunate fight RNG involving my slot 1 getting killed right off, and a Wombat summoning a Medusa, knocks me out before I can finish making my comp (having locked a Good Boy, and landed an Echowood in my hand). This is a result of having my weak 2x Riverwish back row die to the opponents back row repeatedly, and taking 5-7 damage a round through level 4 & 5.

Round 3: Wonder Waddle over Catter, Pants, Horde Dragon. Nothing to complain about with hero selection today. I also get to start with Blind Mouse (and decline to lock Shrink Spell + medium stuff). Turn 2 is buy Chicken, free roll, sell for 2nd mouse, taking Fools Gold over Forking Rod. Noice. I still manage to lose a bunch at level 3, since the shops are just OK. After a brief dalliance with Bad Moon, I find a Crystal Ball (replacing Fools Gold) and two Spell Weavers and I move over into Aeon Ball. Map + Mice gets me Spear (over Wand of Wierding and Singing Sword) and that spear is enough to carry me until I hit the slaying Princess Pea and can’t quite get through enough to not die, despite my own Pea (as one of the supports gets sniped by a Lightning Dragon).

Round 4: Merlin, Bear, Pants, Skip. Actually a tough call. I actually spend too long thinking about it and get defaulted into Pants, the worst one. I start with an inverted Mim/Ogre Princess placement, and hope for the best. Despite never hitting Crystal Ball until the 8th treasure (on the final fight, with it held over since I was out of gold) I manage to parlay multiple Kisses & a gold Poly into a strong enough board to take 3rd, using a supported Soltek, and then a Juliet, with a Romeo, eventually kissing the soltek up to an Ashwood, and then an Oni King supporting some Ogres and Mummies.

Round 5: My luck runs out, and I get to pick one of Krampus, Galahad, Miri, Muerte. That is literally all D-tier or worse options. I go for the 45 health and cross my fingers. Turn 1 is Cinderella Free Roll, into lock for Roll the Dice (which gets me a Frog), and a roll to again lock for Mim+Cat, so at least I have a solid start with a L2 treasure on the way. Cat in front of mim gets me a bunch of ties against other cat/mim players, and I grab a speculative Romeo to flip the prince and head into L4. I never do get a Juliet, but a couple of Sporkos and a Friendly Spirit carry me through to get a gold poly slay on 5.1, which gives me a gold Pumpkin. At which point, I basically abandon having a hero power. Unfortunately, my Medusa/Sporko board doesn’t produce high enough quality Pumpkin fodder, and I die to the 4th place Ghost, for exacties again. Luckily, I still get 2nd, as Apoc was knocked from 12 to neg 3 - thanks +5 hp!

Round 6: In another abundance of choice, I can take Fates, Piper, or Fallen Angel (not Horseman). After some consideration, I go with Piper. My opening is locking a 3/3 chicken after rolling the dice and getting Cinderella. I then immediately burn the chicken to get +2 units with a Shink Spell, including a 3/3 Mouse. Follow up with a Fruit to get the discounted Unicorn, and it looks like I’m cosplaying Loki going into Level 3. I end up getting an early gold poly, which slays into Aurther, so he + Cindy carry me for a while while I continue finding Arthurs and other nice 4s. Once I’ve found 3 more Aurthers (at 4.2) I add a Sky Castle and continue to get more Royals. And by Royals I mean another 3 Aurthers. Fully exploiting the lack of pool limits, I’m quickly up to 3 golden Aurthers and continuing to deal chunks of damage and scale up. I have some trouble finding a Good Boy on 6, but I do poly into a gold Boom Hilda to go with my gold Sporko, and I have Gloves of Thieving, but in the end I can’t get past Princess Pea Slay in 3 tries. My 100/100 Arthurs just aren’t big enough.

Round 7: All I need is 7th place. Again. So, when offered Merlin, Grandmother, Horseman, Shadow, I go ahead and take the best early game hero. Which is Grandmother. Turn 1 I trade egg/attempted for glory with Spinzaku on Cursed King. 2.2 gives me Shureshot/Prince to get back on target. From there I continue to buy stats, kissing a slightly buff Water Wraith into a Friendly Spirit and picking up a Spellweaver and a Gingerbread Party and two Romeos, all for the future. I continue building up slowly, and buying combat spells to help stay alive long enough for someone to die off, with an eye to maybe taking a high slot, if things go well. I don’t find Juliet, but my board develops into Friendly Spirits in front of Supports, with a Quiver. As I reach Level 6, with 3 players out (including Spinzaku going out 8th when all they needed was a 7th to make Day 2 - ouch!), I pick up a Doombreath and lock a Good Boy, with a gold Spirit and a random Wombats providing power for now. I move into full Good Boy comp, but I leave the Doombreath/Sporko in 1 and 5 because everyone else seems to be going for a supports build too. As we hit top 3, I cut that and lean into Good Boys, Kidnapping an extra one from the Ghost, and eventually fall to a kissed familiar turning into a lightning dragon and wrecking me.

Day 2:

Round 1: All Ms: Merlin, Mask, Miri, Master (of Potions). I go with Mask over Potion Master.I have a nice start with Dragon into Wish for RTD getting me a Mouse, plus a Shureshot. Sadly there is a Skip in the lobby, who I play round 2, so on 3.0 I get a re-buy for heroes of: Potion Master, Grandmother, something dumb, and Morgan, which I take. I also get double poly slay into Book and Mermaid. I take a bunch of damage from Donkey players, and end up getting a Coin of Charon from Morgan on 4.0, The End brings me back to 22, but I lose the next fight as well, falling to 8 and then taking sky castle to go with my Mermaid and Bad Moon. That also leads me to taking Sad Drac over Pan’s Shadow, since I just need to get something going before I die. It doesn’t work, and I fall to 2. Fortunately, I get Skips Ghost, and my Mermaid pair gets me Horn, so now I just need to find some Babbas to go with my Feasting Dragons… Skip has a lightning dragon, and I die to his ghost.

Round 2: Fates, Midas, Pants, Loki. I should just take Loki, right? Better than Fates, barely. Not getting that extra unit in the early shops really cut down on the early medium-roll options for Fates. Loki, on the other hand, gives Shrink Spell into Poly + Mim + lock Egg. I run into a Unicorn, but then slay into Princess Wight, and consecutive Forbidden Fruit have me at the lowest life total, but with a full board on 2.2. I continue with the Dwarves, getting some extra gold off a pig and slowly improving my stats going into L4. Loki giveth, but Loki also Free Rolls away my 2nd and 3rd Doubly, and I start falling behind in stats. I combine Noble Steed and Princess to get Fools Gold, and follow up with a Ring of Meteors. When I hit 5 I get 2 tweedles to go with my two sporkos, but no Angrys yet. And then Potion Master kills me, because upgraded Herc + a quality board is way too much for a couple poor Tweedles. Skip got 8th again, though. Food for thought.

Round 3: Bot game. I take Fallen Angel over a spell hero (Merlin, PM, Sphinx). I start with Unicorn, lock for Sugar and Spice over Gruff or Bossy. Then instead of taking 2x crafty or some 1/1s, I go ahead and S&S again, and roll, ending up with a Gruff over 2x Lonely Prince. My shops continue to have a lot of neutrals, and even at 3.1 I still only have 2 good and 2 evil. And no summoners. I Poly into a Soltek, that eventually kisses into an Appletree. Cindy gives me Cookbook, and I triple a Frindly Spirit for a Ring of Rage, so I’m doing “OK”. My stags give me Crystal Ball instead of Treasure Map, and I go into 6 at +2 xp, hoping to find some direction or a Good Boy. The direction I find is Ashwood, but also a Princess Pea off For Glory, and I continue building in both directions as we hit the top 4. Unfortunately I don’t find enough of either direction, and end up muddling along until Mimic/Mirror/Good Boy ends the run.

Round 4:dropped for family obligations. My streak of always making Day 2 when I have time to play, and not being able to finish continues.

Monday, June 27, 2022

June Monthly SBB Tournament Report

The following are the notes I took during the event - this has not been edited, but could be entertaining regardless. #likecommentandsubscribe

Round 1: Fallen Angel over Geppetto and Share Bear, find tons of strong Frogs and Summons early, poly + Kiss into Womabats, but never find an XP spell or other scaling things. Poly into an Ashwood on 5.1, and go trees mostly successfully, Pan’s Shadow goes Puff PUff and gets 4th, Muerte finds a Good Boy and rules the lobby, outstatting me twice and leaving me in 3rd. Treasures were Fancy Pants, Fool’s Gold, Helm, Staff, (from two Nian triples), ending on Spear and SoFI for the last fight.

(Forgot to screenshot)

Round 2: My computer fritzes and I start the game in Round 2 with a random hero. Luckily its Charon. And I get a bunch of Wizard’s Familiars, including Kidnapping a golden one, so I’m able to stabilize at a high life total. I don’t find any spell treasures or Monster Books, but I’m strong enough to win a Wish fight at 5.0, and build into pumpkin/doombreath. Unfortunately Merlin is my finals opponent, and out-techs me with lucky Lightning Dragon hits on my Gold Pumpkin every time (or attacking it normally the one round I sneak it into slot 4), and a Soltek to protect his huge spellweavers from my Doombreaths. Our first fight I lose a 50/50, and 3 rounds later I finish in 2nd.

Round 3: The Fates over Cursed King. My first shop is Mim, Tiny, Bossy, Shrink Spell. I go with Bossy, and end up locking the shop every round until 3.2 even though I buy the 3rd bossy on 2.2. Bossy gives me Faire Tale, and I triple up a Mim as well, which (along with 2x Black Cat and some random dwarves like Doubly and Amy) gives me enough strength to win a Wish fight and get to L6 3 xp ahead. I also
poly into an Ashwood, so I go directly to Trees (with a slight detour to grab a Tweedle for immediate strength), Knighting that Ash and eventually finding enough pieces to beat Mirri, even though my treasures up to the last fight are Fairy Tale, Ring of Meteors (because I might have gone Dwarves), and Ring of Regeneration (which made me feel better, but I finished at life total > rounds, so it didn’t actually do anything). On the last fight I replaced one with Ivory Owl, and got 1st.

Round 4: Horde Dragon, Morgan, Pan’s Shadow, Charon.I take Morgan, since I’m doing well, and don’t need a high roll, just more 2nd and 3rd. I go into a standard double Mim, cat, peep start with a spell weaver, and I hit exactly 20 hp during level 4, grabbing Deck. At level 5 I find a The End to go back above 20, and add an Aeon to my board of double Fancy Pants Lady of the Lake. At level 6 it looks like I’m going Trees, with an early Ashwood, but Morgan gives me a 9th Book, and a Genes Wish knighthoods my Monster Book, so I pivot back into Mages. In the final 2, I lose a fight to an non-upgraded pumpkin, and it puts me at 3, giving me Mimic, which is enough to win the last one. 1st place again

(forgot to screenshot)

Round 5: Gep, Grann, Drac, Piper. I take Piper, again not needing to high roll. After a normal piper start, I’m taking some damage throughout the midgame while I grow a spell weaver and pick up a couple Sporkos and gold up a Poly. On 5.0 I slay into a Bearstein, but I’m on 9 health. I’m able to pick up some strong summons (2 Bears, Golden and Normal Flies), but just before 6.0 I run into double Lightning Dragon Slay w/ Drac’s Saber _and_ a piggomorph. So, I’m going to lose, clearly, but then the fight RNG is very bad, with Bearstein dying first, so I don’t even get a big Time Flies, and Piggo/Dragon hitting both Sporkos as well, so I don’t even have a ranged support to try and fight though the pile of medium stats (I have Eye of Ares and Ring of Rage). I manage to trade with some things, but the dragons grow _just_ enough from slay and saber to triple trade with my now ~10 atk bears, and I die in 5th place.

Round 6: Jack, Granny, Morgan, PM. Going with Morgan again to lock up Day 2 with 6 points needed. I have a Wizards Apprentice start, do normal early game things while accumulating two pollywogs for later golden 6-drop equity. I grab Sporkos and scam pieces, and eventually get Lance to proc, polly to slay, and take a bunch of damage from I don’t remember, but many golden supports and end up getting a gold Grumblegore, a L5, and a L6 treasure all as I hit level 6. I grab a Staff and an Owl to go with my SoFI, and start collecting pumpkins. Unfortunately I die shortly thereafter to Skip on dragon slay, where I miss the 33%er to have the second Jorm attack my Apple Tree after I hit the first one with Medusa, and my second pumpkin (the first obviously died to Dragon) doesn’t give me the scam I need to get through it. 5th place again.

Round 7: Just need 7th place. Fates, Horse, Evella, PM. Clearly we take the mistress of 2nd place, and go with Evella. I get a normal evella start with a cat and some level 3 evil ranged, pick up a Sporko on L4, and some casual XP. I eventually get lucky with a Poly and get an early Herc into Embiggening stone, wich is enough, in conjunction with a Dragon Slay Loki to clean out the lobby. I find a Soltek once we’re top 2, and that stuffs both Dragon attacks, letting my Doombreath kill both his Babbas, and leaving my trees to clean up easily for the win!

Day 2

Round 1: Fallen Angel over Geppetto and Mad Catter. Starting with an Egg over neutral dwarves against Piper. Safe. All good start, with a Frog and selling Egg for Stag ^ Romeo on 3.0. Lock for Wish on 3.2, but didn’t win. I don’t find a comp for a long time, and especially don’t find any treasures. I have kinda sorta some tree stuff going on when I hit 6, and find Pumpkin and Echowood (taking the first, but not the second), but no Ash and end up with a kinda bad scam board, and lose or win some close games before being crushed by double gold Bearstein from Piper (who won the lobby shortly thereafter). 4th place finish to start the day

Round 2: Gep, Evella, Pants, Skip. Taking Evella. Apparently I was in position to just play mono-Geppetto if I wanted. Beautiful start with Black Cat, lock Minotaur and roll. Which turned into buy 2nd cat and roll into Mim + Cutpurse. Just an ideal opening for Evella, and good enough to crack Apoc’s Egg T2. I add a spellweaver at 3.0, and then lose two in a row to the weaver getting attacked first among my back row. Then I pick up some additional ranged backline, and do some dragon stuff, but keep losing by inches until I eventually die in 7th with a newly acquired Radiant Prism (over Mirror Mirror and Excalibur, with a board + shop that did nothing with Mirror and 2x Time Flies in hand to go with Prism)

Round 3: Fates, Evella, Morgan, CT. Going with Fates - we aren’t quite at the point of needed 1st or bust. I get offered Minotarur, Cutpurse, Prince, Shugar and Spice round 1, so I’m on Cutpurse. Who then gets some slays, but again I lose literally every round through 4.0 and just die in 8th place.

Round 4: Bye & Drop so my wife could go play D&D - finish similar to my November performance, were I also made Day 2 and was out of it after 3 rounds.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

SBB Pick Order for Level 2

 This is the comprehensive default pick order for 2-cost characters, assuming you are Grandmother. Other heroes might (will) adjust pick order, as detailed in their respective guides.

This list is based on the strategic goal of having the strongest board on 2.2, and in Level 3. Tactical considerations of not losing Round 1, or how good a particular shop is to lock, may dictate the actual decisions.

This list is a work in progress, and is subject to editing in the future.

Round 1 Happy Little Tree

Frog Prince

Cinder Ella

Mad Mim

Sherwood Shureshot

(Wizard's Familiar with a castable (or, on round 1, lockable) spell in shop)

Baby Dragon

Black Cat

(Minotaur if you have Black Cat)

Round 2 Happy Little Tree

Rainbow Unicorn

Wizard's Familiar

Lonely Prince

Golden Chicken

Free Roll before buying anything

Blind Mouse


Labrinth Minotaur

Humpty Dumpty

B-a-a-a-d Billy Gruff


Baby Root



Kitty Cutpurse