Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Solo Escape from Dol Gondor rules

Do not capture one of your heroes. Instead, you are rescuing an objective ally "The Prisoner"
Search the deck for the 3 objective cards, the Nazgul, 1 Tower Gate, and 1 Dungeon Jailer
Attach Gandalf's Map to a Hero of your choice.
Resolve the Travel effect on Tower Gate and make it the active location. Attach Dungeon Torch to it.
Set Shadow Key, Nazgul, and Dungeon Jailer aside, out of play. Add The Prisoner to the staging area.

You cannot place progress on Stage 1 unless Dungeon Torch is attached to a Hero.

When you reveal Stae 2A, add Shadow Key to the staging area, guarded by the Dungeon Jailer previously set aside. Instead of flipping The Prisoner face up, take control of him (and deal him 1 damage).

You cannot place progress on Stage 2 unless Dungeon Key is attached to a Hero.

The Dungeon Jailer game text is active, even when he is set aside.

"The Prisoner" - 0 will, 0 atk, 0 def, 5 hp. The Prisoner is exhausted and cannot ready or be healed. If The Prisoner leaves play, you have lost the game. Forced: if an objective would be shuffled into the Encounter deck, deal 1 damage to The Prisoner instead.

Out of Mirkwood

A custom scenario, to be played in the Hobbit campaign between Flies and Spiders and The Lonely Mountain, or as an independent quest.

Quest 1: The Elf King's Hospitality.
Setup: Remove Orcrist from the Campaign pool. Remove Barrel Room, Keeper of the Keys, and all 6 Elven Guards from the encounter deck, along with the Lake Town Mayor and Lake Town Docks. Add Keeper of the Keys to the staging area, and make Barrel Room the active location.
Quest 1b: (4 quest points)
During each Quest phase, instead of revealing cards from the Encounter deck, each player must chose a set-aside guard and add it to the staging area, or add two resource tokens to this card (if all guards have already been added).

The total Threat in the staging area is increased by 1 for each resource token on this card.

Forced: when the 4th progress token is placed on this card, discard all Elf enemies from play

Barrel Room (Unique Location; 4 Threat, X quest points, 1 VP)
X is equal to the total number of characters in play

Keeper of the Keys (Unique Enemy; 50 engagement level, 4 Threat, 5 ATK, 4 DEF, 7 HP)
Forced: after Keeper of the Keys attacks and destroys a character, return him to the staging area.

Elven Guard (Enemy; {22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37} engagement (one of each), 2 Threat, 4 ATK, 2 DEF, 4 HP)
Forced: after Elven Guard attacks and destroys a character, return him to the staging area.

Quest 2: Barrel Rider
When Revealed: Reveal cards from the Encounter deck until the total Threat in the staging area is at least equal to the number of players. Skip the engagement phase this round.
Quest 2b: (SIEGE quest; 14 quest points)
Forced: After placing any amount of progress on this quest, the players as a group must assign that much damage among characters they control (to a maximum of the number of characters committed to the quest).

Quest 3: Masters of the Lake
When Revealed: add the Lake Town Mayor to the staging area, make Lake Town Docks the active location (discarding any previous location)
Quest 3b: (8 quest points)
The players cannot complete this phase unless the Lake Town Mayor is in the victory display.

Laketown Docks (x1) - Unique, 3 Threat, 5 Quest Points, 3 VP
While Laketown Docks is the active location, each Hero gains "Action: Exhaust this character to heal 1 damage from it"

Lake Town Mayor (Unique Enemy; 1 engagement level, X Threat, 2 ATK, 6 DEF, 1 HP, 4 VP)
X is the total number of players. The Mayor cannot leave the staging area, and is immune to player card effects. Attacks against the Mayor use Willpower instead of Attack.

Each hero gains "Pay 1 resource from this hero's pool, this hero can attack the Lake Town Mayor this phase as if he was engaged with you."

Remaining Quest Deck (30 cards) - 2 location, 1 enemy, 2 treachery removed for Easy Mode

Locations (10):
Banks of the River (x4) - 1 Threat, 3 Quest Points
{if this attack is undefended, raise the defending player's Threat by 3}

Rapids (x2) - 3 Threat, 2 Quest Points {one with difficulty indicator}
Forced: after any amount of progress is placed on the Rapids, each player must deal 2 damage to an ally he controls.

Streets of Laketown (x2) - 2 Threat, 2 Quest Points
Immune to Player card effects
{attacking enemy gets +2 Defense for remainder of the round}

Staging Area (x1) - 4 Threat, X Quest Points {difficulty indicator}
X is the total number of characters in play
{Raise defending player's Threat by 1 for each damaged character he controls}

Manor House (x1) - Unique, 1 Threat, 4 Quest Points
Travel: Raise each player's Threat by 3. Each player may heal up to 3 damage from his or her characters.
{Heal all damage on attacking enemy}

Enemies (12):
Goblin Archer (x3) - 33 engagement; 1 Threat, 3 ATK, 1 DEF, 3 HP. Goblin. Orc.
Archery 1
{deal 1 damage to defending character}

Goblin Scout (x2) - 45 engagement; 3 Threat, 4 ATK, 3 DEF, 3 HP. Goblin Orc.
Forced: at the end of the round, raise each player's Threat by 1.

Wargs (x2) - 20 engagement; 2 Threat, 3 ATK, 1 DEF, 3 HP. Creature.
Forced: if Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, return Wargs to the staging area after it attacks.
{+1 attack; +2 if undefended}

Black Forest Bats (x2) - 15 engagement; 1 Threat, 1 ATK, 0 DEF, 2 HP. Creature
When Revealed: Each player must chose 1 character committed to the quest and remove them from the quest.

Man of Dale (x2) - 28 engagement; 2 Threat, 3 ATK, 2 DEF, 4 HP.
When Revealed: Any player may exhaust a Hero he or she controls with Willpower of 3 or higher to discard Man of Dale
{cancel this attack}

Goblin Chieftain (x1) - {difficulty} 35 engagement, 2 Threat, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 6 HP, 4 VP. Goblin, Orc.
While Chieftain is in the staging area, other Goblins have +1 Threat and +1 Attack.
When Chieftain attacks, deal it an additional Shadow card.
{If attacking enemy is a Goblin or Creature, deal it 2 additional Shadow cards}

Treachery (8):
Chilled to the Bone (x2): When Revealed: attach to a Hero. Counts as a Condition attachment with "Attached Hero gets -1 Willpower, -1 Attack, and -1 Def for each damage on him."

Fighting among Friends (x2) When Revealed: The first player names a sphere. Then, all non-baggins characters not of that sphere are removed from the quest
{+1 attack; +2 if undefended}

Hatred Rekindled (x3) {2 with difficulty} When Revealed: Each engaged enemy makes an attack (without shadow cards). If no attacks occur, Surge.
{Attacking enemy makes an additional attack}

Elven Delegation (x1) Surge. When Revealed: shuffle each Elf enemy from the encounter discard pile into the deck.
{Shuffle this card back into the Encounter deck}

The Battle of Laketown

I'm a little worried about this quest. It wrecked me multiple times, until I tried it with 6 extra 1-cost chump blockers in my deck. I don't have those now, but let's see how it goes with just One Deck to Rule Them All.

Opening hand had no chump blockers or Vilya, mulligan to a hand with both.

First reveal is Town Baiting, which does nothing, leaving me with a clear staging area for

Round 1 (36 threat, 0 in staging area, 1 damage on Lake Town)

Play Vilya. Vilya in Beoren.
Runes to draw Expert Treasure Hunter (discarding 1 of 2 Unexpected Courage). Play on Gandalf.

Reveal Smaug the Terrible engaged with me. No burn.

Quest for 4 with a Counsel backup. Reveal another Town Baiting. Scorching Blast as a Shadow card does no damage, but Smaug does 7. 4 progress made (4/14)

Beoren defends. Fisherman's Dock added to the staging area. Beoren takes 4 damage.

Round 2 (36 threat, 2 in staging area, 8 damage on Lake Town)

Zigil miner, milling a known Hidden Cache, and hitting a second one! +6 resources to Elrond.
Runes off the top, discarding Expert Treasure Hunter.
Play Gandalf's Staff, Bilbo, Gandalf's Pipe, swap to Vilya in Treebeard, and play Riversong. No resources remaining.

Reveal Smaug the Magnificant engaged with me.

Quest with Gandalf and all the new allies for 7 with counsel backup. South Pier is reavealed, and I make another 4 progress (8/14).

Chump block with Beoren. Shadow card is nothing. Lake town takes 3 excess damage.

Scout with Riversong, and generate 2 extra resources (using one to Tomb off the top for the discarded UC).

Round 3 (36 threat, 2, will be 6, in staging area, 11 damage on Lake Town, 0 VP)

Arwen off the top. Pipe for a free UC. Play Asfaloth.

Reveal Smaug the Terrible, burn 3.

Quest with Gandalf, Elrond, Bilbo, and Arwen for 10 (bonus to Treebeard). Reveal the known Merchant's District. Play Counsel off the top, and make 5 progress (4 on location, 9/14 on quest)

Runes from hand, discarding a vassal. I now have Will of the West, A Test of Will, and Hasty Stroke in hand, so I'm feeling pretty safe.

Deal 2 damage to Lake Town to add Merchant District to the Victory display. Leave the Dock, since I have a Northern Tracker coming up.

Generate a resource on Elrond, and defend Smaug with Treebeard. No Shadow, he takes 3 damage.

Riversong scouts Reckless in his Rage, so Miners generate 6 resources, discarding another Cache, and the Northern tracker. Assfaloth adds 1 to the only location in play, and then finishes it off in the Refresh phase.

Round 4 (33 threat, 0 in staging (5 progress needed), 16 damage, 9 VP)

Play Light of Valinor, Ring of Barahir, and A Burning Brand on Elrond. This will allow him to defend against 9 attack without dying. If I get the big Smaug, I'll just have to Test of Will the shadow card.

Mine off a bunch of weak cards. Play 2 Warden of Healing (one off the top).
Vilya in Gwahir (plus Vassal), and give Elrond a second Unexpected Courage.

Reveal the 3rd Smaug the Terrible, burn 0. The rest of this game will be full of double attack Smaug.

Quest with Gandalf, Elrond, Arwen (bonus Elrond) and Gwahir. Finish stage 1. Gandalf keeps coming along to trigger is Expert Treasure Hunter. I'm down to 4 cards in my deck, so it's almost time for a re-set.

Elrond defends and takes 5 damage. The wardens heal 4 of that (and Treebeard's damage)

Counter-attack Smaug for 12 (Elrond, Treebeard, Gwahir, Vassal). With his reduced defense, Smaug takes 7 damage.

Riversong scouts a Wharf.

Round 5 (33 threat, 0 (will be 3) in staging, 16 damage, 9 VP, 7 damage on Smaug)

Play a Vassal off the top, then draw a Counsel and Will of the West (revealing Dwarven Tomb on top). Pipe to Vilya the Northern Tracker from hand.

Reveal Smaug the Mighty, defend his attack with Treebeard (3 resources). Hasty Stroke to cancel Too Close to the Flame, and get it back with a Tomb. 2 damage.

Quest with Gandalf, Elrond, Arwen (bonus Elrond), Bilbo, Tracker, 1 warden, Gwahir, and both Miners. A total of 15 willpower, which makes 12 progress. Double Elrond's Counsel from hand, 9 progress on the quest, and heal 5 damage from Lake town.

Travel to the Wharf. Defend the attack with Elrond, and scout a Dock on top. Not enough attack to breach his defense. Mine off a Cache in the refresh phase.

Round 6 (27 threat, 0 (will be 2) in staging, 11 damage, 9 (will be 13) VP)

Dig through the deck looking for a good Vilya/Flame target.
Play Tracker, Vassal, and Vilya Beoren, leaving Boromir on top of the deck.

Reveal The Magnificant. Lake Town takes 3 damage, Smaug goes down to 4 damage.

Quest with new allies, Gandalf, Elrond, Arwen, Bilbo (that's 13, which removes 6 damage after all is said and done)

I will need 24 attack to take down Smaug. I acutally have that already, so I also commit one Warden of Healing, Treebead (usinging 2 resources to ready) and Gwahir to the quest as well.

Heal 11 damage from lake town, leaving it with just 3. Arwen bonuses Elrond. Advance to stage 3.

Elrond defends Smaug, takes 4 damage. Warden + 2 resources heals that.

Flame of Anor, discarding Boromir, allows me to attack Smaug with:
2x Vassal (6), 2x Tracker (4), Beoren (8), Gandalf (7) and the Zigil Miner (1) for a total of 26. 8 defense means we deal 18 damage, more than enough to defeat him and win the quest.

Before that resolves, use the last Dwarven Tomb to play Counsel again, for a final score of:

5 full rounds (50) + 23 threat (23) + 0 damage/dead heroes - 14 VP = 59!